Kybella woman touching face

Do you have a double chin?

If you feel self‐conscious because of a double chin, KYBELLA treatments at a Pinnacle Dermatology location can help you feel more confident. KYBELLA is an innovative, nonsurgical treatment approved by the FDA to reduce fat below the chin that can cause the appearance of a double chin.

KYBELLA is an alternative to liposuction that can create a more well‐defined chin and slimmer neck for patients who want to avoid surgery.


What is KYBELLA?

The FDA's approval of KYBELLA in 2015 generated excitement because it was the first nonsurgical treatment clinically proven to minimize the fat that causes a double chin — which is one of the most common aesthetic concerns expressed by both women and men. KYBELLA is an injectable treatment that uses deoxycholic acid — a molecule that is naturally found in the body that helps break down and absorb dietary fat. When injected below the chin, KYBELLA targets and destroys the fat cells there. The cells are then gradually removed from the body through its normal metabolic process.

Your KYBELLA Treatment

KYBELLA begins with your provider marking specific injection sites on your chin and neck to ensure the precision of your treatment. The number of injections during a single treatment session varies from person to person, and every treatment is customized. A typical treatment session takes about 30 minutes.

Your Pinnacle provider will create a customized treatment plan for you that's tailored to meet your cosmetic goals expressed during the initial consultation. The number of treatment sessions needed depends on those goals. Many patients see the desired results after 2 to 4 treatments, which are scheduled about 4–8 weeks apart.

Brilliant Distinctions®

We proudly participate in Allergan's Brilliant Distinctions program, through which our patients can earn points for BOTOX®Cosmetic and JUVÉDERM treatments, as well as purchases of LATISSE® and other select products.

Common Questions

Am I a good candidate for KYBELLA?

In general, anyone bothered by submental fullness — commonly called a double chin — can potentially benefit from KYBELLA treatments. Double chins may be a genetic trait, or can be associated with weight gain or normal aging. Men and women whose neck skin is still fairly tight are good candidates.

How long do the results last?

KYBELLA works by destroying fat cells. Those cells are removed from the body and are gone for good, so they can no longer accumulate fat. The results are long lasting, but aging and weight gain can change the contours of the area under your chin in the future.

Are there any side effects?

The most common side effects of KYBELLA injections are localized swelling, redness, bruising, and hardness in the treatment area. These side effects are temporary, but some patients experience swelling for a week or more. We will thoroughly discuss these effects during your consultation.