Although breast augmentation is one of the most commonly-performed plastic surgeries, there are many details to go into the surgical process that separate a good result from an excellent result. Breast augmentation enhances the size and shape of the breast, but can also provide more upper pole fullness and cleavage when wearing a bra. In patients that have mild breast ptosis (or drooping), either from pregnancy or weight loss, an implant can also help lift the breast and nipple to a more youthful position. Many consider full, shapely breasts a sign of vitality and femininity. It is no wonder why breast augmentation has been associated with high patient satisfaction and improved confidence and self-esteem.

About the procedure

Breast augmentation begins during the pre-operative consultation where implant type (silicone vs. saline), size, and plane (sub-glandular vs. sub-muscular) is discussed. Working together, an appropriately sized implant will be selected, based on your goals and breast measurements.

In the operating room, the desired implant is typically placed through a small inframammary incision concealed within the lower fold of the breast. Alternatively, a trans-axillary incision hidden in the armpit can also be used. The desired implant is then placed either above the muscle (sub-glandular) or partially under the muscle (sub-muscular, dual-plane). Our goal for breast augmentation is to create a natural, yet enhanced and long-lasting result.

Patients with more advanced breast ptosis (drooping), as a result of pregnancy or weight loss, might also be a candidate for a breast lift or mastopexy. This will be determined during your examination based on your skin quality, breast shape, and nipple position. One alternative or adjunct to implant-based breast augmentation is fat grafting, where fat is liposuctioned from other parts of your body (typically abdomen and/or thighs) and then injected in the breasts to create an enhanced size and shape.


Patients return home the same day after breast augmentation. Aside from strenuous activity or heavy lifting, patients typically resume their normal activities shortly after surgery. Some medications to control your pain will be given for the first week after surgery. You will be placed in a soft, supportive surgical bra for up to 6 weeks after surgery. Some swelling and bruising can occur but typically resolves within a couple weeks. Scar prevention therapy is usually began 2 weeks after surgery once your incision is completely closed.

Start your journey toward finding a more confident you.
Schedule a consultation to learn more about breast augmentation today.